It was a careless decision when I picked a scarf out of a book entitled Estonia Lace. Being an intermediate knitter at best, I should have know that such a project was way beyond my abilities and so it seemed as I ripped out the beginning of the scarf for the third time. But determination won out plus the fact that I accidentally came upon the technique of using a "life line" while I knit. For the few of you who don't know, a life line is simply running a piece of dental floss through the stitches of a row every ten or so rows. That way if you make a mistake and aren't able to successfully tear back and repair it, you can rip back to your life line and start again from there. This is much better than having to start all over again. I found it necessary to rip back to my life line three times in this project. A word of warning: Be sure to write down which row your life line is on. That was a mistake I made the first time, and I had a difficult time figuring out where I was on the pattern! Furthermore, this scarf didn't look like much until I blocked it and then WOW! The pattern really showed up. After all my whining and moaning, I think I'd like to knit another one of these one day soon.
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