Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Christmas Choir


It's hard to describe so I'll let the picture speak for itself.

Friday, December 24, 2010

All for Tiramisu

After my dear EW searched San Antonio for ladyfingers without success, I decided to make them myself. So of course I researched and sent off for a state of the art ladyfingers pan which arrived quite quickly. Production began and all was going well until they came out of the oven. Then low and behold they refused to release their grip of the pan and had to be scrapped out. They tasted good but who wants to eat crumbled sponge cake. So here is a picture of the second attempt which I piped onto parchment paper from a plastic baggie. One group I baked so they were soft and the other group I let get crispy. As they don't keep very well, they are now in the freezer awaiting a decision on which tiramisu to make. Who knew that there were about 60 possible kinds?!! I'm thinking that the recipe with the rum soaked ladyfingers sounds promising.

Monday, December 13, 2010

December Already?

Here is the finished baby quilt made for my Angel Tree family. This was the first quilt that I have quilted on my own. Very scary at first since I do not have a long arm machine, but I launched into it with wild abandon thanks to a class I took at 7th Heaven. Thanks, you all for giving me confidence. It is finished in a pattern of rambling hearts and leaves which I just improvised on as I went along. Since I didn't have much time and took on an Angel Tree family with a friend on the spur of the moment, the quilt is very simple as you can see. Now I'm thinking I should consider starting another quilt for next year which could be more spectacular if I had more time.