Monday, April 26, 2010


The people running the turtle preserve watch for turtles coming ashore and laying their eggs. Then they dig up the eggs and move them to the safety of a fenced area where they rebury them, marking the number of eggs and the probable date of hatching. When they hatch they put the baby turtles into sea water for twenty four hours before releasing them into the sea at night. Night because there are less predators to eat them right away. After visiting with the turtles we went boating on a huge lagoon and finished with the botanical gardens at the university. A very enjoyable trip!!


Here is a view of Acapulco from the "elite" area of town. You can see the ship docked at the upper right. We were on our way to a turtle preserve, lagoon trip, and the botanical gardens at Loyola University. Although nobody said anything outright, we had a police guard with us. This seemed rather surprising but who knows what is really going on with the drug lord war.

Cabo San Lucas

We left Los Angeles and headed out to sea. On previous cruises, I'd always had a cheap inside cabin, so the luxury of a cabin with a balcony was delightful and the shower was so big you didn't have to worry about banging your elbows either! This is also the first time I hadn't had an assigned seating and time in the dining room. Wow, that was really great because you got to sit with different folks each time and I met a whole lot of really nice people. Then there was the on board activities which I must admit didn't do much for my ego. I joined every contest and got beaten at chess, ping pong, suduko, and trivia. However, I did manage to throw two small bowls on a pottery wheel and that was really fun. When we reached Cabo, I had arranged for a boat trip to the famous end of the land arch. If I'd only known that the boat was going to dock right by it I could have saved $150. Oh, well, heads up for next time. Cabo was actually my least favorite port: too commercial and too deserty.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Here is what happens when you get sick of hot rollers and you decide to go short!

The Easter services were phenomenal. Here are Sherry and I in between Saturday night performances. Randy Frazee gave a sermon on the rending of the curtain in the temple with fantastic visuals. I had never understood exactly what happened before.